11月14日,德国加速与Start2 Group携手举办“绿色创新:德国高科技企业上海站”盛会。此次活动将展示德国在有机电子、可再生能源、高效材料和智能技术等领域的创新成果,致力于推动行业的绿色转型。活动将汇集30+家顶尖投资机构、20+家领先企业、15+家知名孵化器/加速器,以及20+家充满潜力的初创公司,共同构建一个充满活力的交流平台,促进思想碰撞与合作机会。吸引超过130位行业精英,共同探讨绿色创新的未来,寻找合作伙伴,分享经验与资源。这是一次不可错过的机会,让我们一起携手迈向更绿色、更可持续的明天!
🌟 活动亮点 Event Highlights
Startup Demos & Networking
Get ready to be wowed by live demo from 5 pioneering startups, showcasing groundbreaking technologies and solutions that could redefine industries. Connect directly with innovators from the German startup scene, expand your network, and explore potential collaborations.
[Healex]: 连接临床研究与护理,提升试验管理效率
[Heatrix]: 用可再生电力驱动高温工艺,替代化石燃料,为能源密集型行业创造绿色未来
[ISEGRIM X]: AI赋能审计与认证,提升效率,节省成本
[pureions]: 用分子打印技术开创(生物)有机电子的无限可能
[PV2+]: 高效低成本太阳能,铜的可持续力量为绿色地球增能
Panel Discussion with Industry Leaders
Engage in a 30-minute panel discussion with industry leaders who will share insights on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the startup ecosystem. This dynamic exchange of ideas will provide a deeper understanding of the forces shaping the future of innovation.
German Accelerator is dedicated to fostering the growth of German startups in the Chinese market. By offering crucial market insights, pairing startups with mentors and business partners, and facilitating cross-border collaborations between German and Chinese industries, we help startups assess their market potential and business model viability in China.
To ensure the best possible experience for our startups and target audience, we reserve the right to cancel tickets if we determine that a participant’s intentions do not align with the purpose of the event.
1、本活动具体服务及内容由主办方【Start2 Group 创新加速】提供,活动行仅提供票务技术支持,请仔细阅读活动内容后参与。